Friday, January 4, 2013

Week 5 Workout Wednesday Message

Happy New Year TEAM! Welcome to 2013. This week's Workout Wednesday is being dubbed "Fitness Friday" because you're getting it today!

Here are a few quick items before I delve briefly into the topic of safety on the training course.

Next Training Run
  • Creve Couer Park, Tremayne Shelter
  • Saturday, January 5 at 745 am Mission Moment
  • Remember to know your mileage for the day when you arrive and be sure to sign in and sign out

Keep an eye out this month
  • For a discount night at Big River Running Company
  • Clinics on form and injury prevention
  • I will be emailing dates once they're finalized

Like the Facebook Page
  • Run Coach Jeffrey for periodic training tips, photos from our group runs and updates on TNT

Consider Buying (and I highly recommend you do)
  • A "Fuel Belt", which is something runners wear for longer distances that has pockets for energy gels/bars and holsters for water bottles, and a safe place for your keys
  • Or, a "Runner's Water Bottle" which has a hand strap so you don't have to hold it and a pocket for keys

Help us recruit
  • More participants! Ask your friends and family to join you in this awesome journey! It is even more fun to train and save lives, while expanding our team network. It will help keep you motivated, too!

Don't let the weather
  • Psych you out. Yes, it is cold and yes it snows, but training in all weather conditions is very critical to keep your body conditioned and progressing. Plus, last week when it was snowing at Forest Park at our group training it was not only fun to go out as a team, but it was BEAUTIFUL!
The purpose of this week's training
  • To continue to build our base. I promised you that we will be "Base Building" for up to as much as 50% of our season and the next GT is no different. Base building is allowing us to develop the bodily systems we need to complete the event.

This week's running digest
We know that we are still in base building phase and we've learned a lot about how the body develops and that we need to stick to the training schedule as much as possible to get stronger and better, but we can't ever forget how important safety is when we're out on the training course or at home around the neighborhood. It is easy to take some obvious things for granted, many of which because while you might be as safe as you can be, it doesn't mean others around you are as safe.

Here are a few safety and courtesy tips for review to avoid accidents and keep it fun for all runners:

  • Run against traffic if running on the road and stay on the sidewalk as much as possible.
  • Make eye contact with drivers and wait for an acknowledgement that they see you. Don't assume cars will stop just because you see them.
  • Travel on the right and pass on the left if running on the sidewalk trails.
  • Never run more than two abreast if you are in a group and never run down the middle of the trail.
  • If you are running an out-and-back route, don’t just make a sudden u-turn at your turn around point. Stop, step to the right to allow oncoming traffic the opportunity to pass.
  • Alert others when you are passing them; don’t assume they are aware of their surroundings. A simple “on your left” warning will suffice.
  • Keep in mind that at certain times of the year public park bathrooms are locked. Eat/Drink about an hour in advance of your run so you can get it all out before you start if needed. Know where bathrooms are or find a discreet bush when needed. Trust me, using a bush will happen to everyone at least once!
  • Be mindful of others around you when blowing your nose or spitting.
  • Don’t litter. If you can’t find a trash can, carry your trash home.
  • The running community is a very friendly community! They love to say good morning and hello. But, if you don't get a response don't be disappointed, they might be working on a Personal Record (PR) and going really hard.
  • At Forest Park, as much as possible, stay on the gravel trail. While it is permissible for runners to be on the paved trail, it is courteous to allow bikers, strollers and blades the opportunity to cruise freely since they cannot use the gravel trail.
  • Congratulate others on a job well done. It feels good to hear...and to say!
  • Smile as much as possible, it'll make you happier.

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