Mentor Monday,
you aware that TNT has an app?
You'll be able set
goals and invite your friends and family to donate! It will even create a
more one-on-one experience with the capability of sending immediate feedback
and thank you messages to donors! Spread the word on Facebook anytime,
We are excited to
offer a mobile fundraising app LLS mTools for iPhone®,
iPad®, iPod touch® and AndroidTM users.
LLS mTools makes it easier to keep track of fundraising on the go.
Don't forget our upcoming team fundraising events. Please make an effort to participate in as many of these events as you can, regardless of where you are on your fundraising goal. We are looking to raise the most amount of money as a TEAM as possible. |
Here are some save the dates for you all:
- January 24, 2013- McAlister’s Deli Night for Teammate Allison Brown- LeMay Ferry Location 4:00-9:00
- January 31, 2013- McAlister’s Deli Night for Teammate Kristen Harris- Manchester Location 4:00-9:00
- February 5, 2013- McAlister’s Deli Night for Teammate Laura Wende- Fenton Location 4:00-9:00
- February 8, 2013- MICE RACING FOR BLOOD CANCER- Crestwood Civic Center 7:00 PM *More Details and flyer to come
- February 9, 2013- Mardi Gras Parade Bead Drive – Details, Meeting Place, Time, details to come
- February 10, 2013- California Pizza Kitchen Team Night 11:30 am-8:00 pm Chesterfield Mall
- February 20, 2013- Show Me St. Louis on air- be there at noon. Need up to 10 people in LLS/TNT Gear that day to help promote our Blood Cancer Benefit Concert.
- February 23, 2013- BC² (BLOOD CANCER BENEFIT CONCERT)- The Loft at Sky Music Lounge 7:00 PM-1:00 AM *More Details and flyer to come
- McAlister’s Nights: Everyone who has reached out to me, I have scheduled a night for. If there is anyone who would like to schedule one that has not yet, please email me as soon as possible.
- Team California Pizza Kitchen Night: We are hosting a California Pizza Kitchen night. California pizza kitchen is donating a percentage of sales to our organization. Like the McAlister’s nights, we are required to bring a flyer. Your distribution of these flyers is how we will decipher at the end of the fundraising what money goes to whom. Details on that to follow.
- Mice Racing for Blood Cancer: This will be like trivia nights. You will have your friends, family, supporters buy a table by donating to your fundraising account directly. We believe we will have 20-25 tables available, but obviously will make room for as many as we need. This evening we will need donations for the silent auction. If you know of anyone or are connected to any businesses that can donate, please let us know. Anything that you personally get donated and gets auctioned, the proceeds will go directly to your fundraising account.
- BC² - Blood Cancer Benefit Concert: This will be a benefit concert hosted by Sky Music Lounge’s “The Loft” in Chesterfield at Kehrs Mill and Clayton where we will sell tickets (again directly to your fundraising account) and have bands play. All profits from drinks, food, auctions, raffles, etc. will be donated to LLS this evening. We also have secured time at Show Me St. Louis to help promote this event.
- Again, we will need a few things to auction off this evening.
- Bead Drives- We will be setting up a bead drive for the Mardi Gras parade as well as the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. The more people we have in attendance the better.
week we HIGHLY recommend if you haven’t already, to send out
letters to everyone you know. I have spoken to Rich Buckley, and he is waiving
the deadline this week, and allowing us to send these out for FREE. So, if you
write your letter, print it off, stuff the envelopes, and address them, we will
mail them and pay for the postage. You can either contact your mentor or
bring your letters to the group training, and we will get them to the LLS
office for you.
feel free to go to my webpage-because both of my letters, from the previous
season and this season, are copied on there. Also, do a google search for
a great resource to find example LLS fundraising letters.
Again, please let any of the mentors know if you have ANY questions.
Take care and stay warm,
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