A welcome note from Coach Jeffrey Promnitz:
Welcome to the TEAM! Congratulations to all of our first time participants as you are about to embark on a life changing experience! You will accomplish an endurance event that you may never have thought possible with the help of some extraordinary coaches and support staff.
And I send a very warm welcome to all of our alumni returning for another amazing event! You're back for a reason and we're going to make this very memorable for you again. Best yet, as a team, we are going to contribute to saving lives and improving the lives of our patients and families through one of the most successful, efficient fundraising organization in the world, Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Team in Training.
This welcome message is to introduce you to what lies ahead this training season. Like all things in life, we will get out of it what we put into it. I'd like to begin with my number one rule: have fun! There will be more than 18 opportunities for us to get together during the season with group training runs on Saturdays; clinics on nutrition, injuries and training; fundraising events and more. While there may be times you cannot attend some of these, I can tell you through experience to be engaged and communicate frequently with your coaches, staff and teammates to really make the most fun of this. As your coach, I aim to make this fun, non-intimidating, injury free and successful with fundraising and crossing the finish line. Oh, and also, welcoming to you and your friends and family that you may hopefully bring with you from time to time and maybe even get to join you on the team!
This season:
For the first time ever, we have FIVE coaches to support us during the season! This means more attention on making you successful! Each coach is qualified, experienced and able to take you to the finish line. I will spotlight a different coach each week where they will share a little more about themselves and a tip that they would like to share with you.
Staff Director: Rich Buckley
Coaches: Jeffrey Promnitz, John Gray, Amy Kaller, Jen Pedro, and Kevin West
During the season, you will be receiving weekly emails from me that detail the upcoming training on Saturday, tips, tricks and pitfalls. To really accentuate the abilities of our coaches, during the season when you would like to contact a coach outside of training, please contact me. I will be meeting with the coaches weekly outside of training to discuss the state of our team. I also ask, to help the coaches to train you as best as we can, please be sure to read my weekly announcements and reply as necessary. They often contain "check ups" on your progress that are vital to our ability to train you. Also, if you have any person connection that you are willing to share, let me know so I can feature them as "Mission Moments".
My role during the season:
I will serve as the focal point for coaches and teammates during the season. My job is to support the coaches so they can focus 100% on the actual training Saturdays. I will provide them with resources, updates on the team and manage training, locations and various coaching assignments. We have such a strong family of running coaches that all of them will give you top-notch coaching on training days. During the week, when you'd like to reach out for help, it will be helpful to contact me so we can be sure to coordinate for your needs in a personalized manner for you. Please feel free to call, email or text. You can also find me on Facebook as "Run Coach Jeffrey". I will be adding more content as the season progresses in addition to the weekly emails.
My brief bio:
I have been active with TNT for several years now. I am an alum and coach. To date, I have been the Assistant Coach for the Nike San Francisco team and Head Coach for the Honolulu, San Diego and current St Louis GO teams. I've also been an on-course support coach for a number of additional events. I have a Bachelor's degree in Medical Microbiology (which helps in understanding physiology, anatomy and metabolism) and also an MBA. My certifications include both the Certified Run Coach (Road Runner's Club of America) and Marathon Coach (Team in Training) as well as CPR, First Aid and AED.
My first event with TNT was in honor of my very good friend's mother who sadly lost her cancer to Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma after battling for over 15 years. It's not fair that she passed and I believe that with your help, as a team, we can kick cancer's butt until we find a cure! As meaningful, the honored patients and families I meet along my journey with TNT are remarkable. These are the real heroes and I pale in comparison to what they have accomplished. I find it a great honor to be able to coach you and even more rewarding to have successfully trained a great number of athletes than to have completed events myself.
In closing, I'm very proud and excited to have you on the team. Welcome. Enjoy your experience, have fun, and feel good about just how much of a difference you're making. There isn't a day that goes by where I learn even more about how much of an impact we make. Congratulations!
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