Happy Monday Team!!!
Our event dates are getting closer, and I am getting super excited! I still haven't had the chance to meet all of my teammate's and I am looking forward to that opportunity! I know that all the training and FUNdraising hasn't always been easy but you have stuck with it and hopefully will continue to do so. Just this week I was reminded again why what we do is so important. I know someone through my job who was just recently diagnosed with AML. He is the sweetest man , and the day after he got the news he came into my job to see me. He wanted to tell me his diagnosis and to tell me that he wants to be kept up to date on my training and FUNdraising. He is so happy that there are people like me (and you) that are trying to make a difference.
I have been going through everyone's FUNdraising accounts and I noticed that a lot of you have either met your goal or raised more than your goals! That is FANTASTIC!! I am very proud of all of you and hope that you keep raising money up until event date, heck you can even raise more after too! Don't forget our TEAM goal is $139,000!!
Are you running out of ways to FUNdraise? Here are some helpful ways to raise money for LLS.
- St. Patrick's Day is this weekend! There are multiple parades in the area for this holiday. On the 16th there is the parade downtown starting at 12:00 p.m., one in Cottleville starting at 12:00 p.m. and then one the 17th in Dogtown. If you have never done a canister drive I highly recommend it! It's a lot of fun and a good way for us to get out there and spread the word about TNT. You will be surprised how many people are excited to learn why you FUNdraising and want to share their connection to our cause. So please consider joining me this weekend! Please RSVP by this Thursday if interested. **For our teammate's out of the St .Louis area, check with your surrounding areas for St. Patrick's Day events! And if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me**
- If you can't make it to the parade, St. Patrick's Day can still be a good way to FUNdraise. If you have friends with kids, you can volunteer to babysit for them while they go out and enjoy the festivities for a donation. Or if you have friends that plan on drinking at the parade or at the after parties, volunteer to be the designated driver for a donation.
- Try hosting a wine tasting party at your house. You can supply the wine (or get it donated) and invite your friends over for a fun night of wine and good company. You can let them know that their "admission" for this great event would be a donation to your FUNdraising account.
- Do you have a lot of friends/families with dogs? You can organize a dog wash! You can call local pet stores in the area and see if they will sponsor your event. Sponsoring the event could mean that they will donate the treats and shampoo for the event , or letting you hang flyers at their business promoting the event. You can ask for donations for each dog that is washed, and let 's face it NOBODY likes washing their dogs!! This could be a good way to raise money
- Ask local business what they would be willing to donate. You can get some great items donated that you can raffle off or they will even donate directly to FUNdraising. It never hurts to ask :)
- If you previously sent out letters to your friends and family, send out another one. But in this letter talk about all the training thus far, any cancer survivors you have met, new friends, your coaches and your goals as the event date approaches. This will be a great reminder to everyone how dedicated you are , and will encourage them to donate more.
Here are some things to know for the weeks to come:
Andrea will be out of town for about a month! She is on a cruise enjoying the nice sunny weather and warmer temps, which I hate her for :), and will unavailable. If any of her mentees need anything please reach out to me or Heather until she returns. We are always happy to help!
In a previous email I informed you of Trevor, a young boy in need of a bone marrow donor. There is a drive in his honor on March 25th from 4-8 pm at Francis Howell High School . They are hoping to find a match for him, but if you are not a match for Trevor, there is still a chance that you can save someone else's life. If you are interested in attending, or have questions about the donor process please contact me or you can visit the link below.
I have also have a link for the pics from BC Squared....if you were unable to attend I hope that you take the time to look through them! There are tons of great photos of the coaches and teammates!
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