Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Workout Wednesday - 3/27

Go TEAM!  Wow, can you believe how close we are to event day?  I'm keeping the bullet points short because the two most important things this week is that you attend the Know Before You Go meeting (which is this Saturday's GT) and the Coach's message below.

Next Training
  • Saturday, March 30
  • 7:45 am
  • Creve Coeur Park, Tremayne Shelter area
Know Before You Go
  • Please try your best to make this training, or reply to Rich B and I if you cannot, because it is our KNOW BEFORE YOU GO meeting
  • If you email that you cannot attend then we can make sure to get you the necessary information separately

--Coach Jeffrey

This week's Coach's Message is brought to you by Coach John and Coach Kevin!  

Use the run/walk this Saturday as if it were event day. Call it your dress rehearsal since, for several of you, it is your longest mileage so far.

Stick to these tried-and-true guidelines:
  • Hydrate well this week, get plenty of sleep, make your weekday runs/walks are easy, eat a good meal the night before and try to eat a little something Saturday morning. DO NOT TRY ANYTHING NEW!!! 
  • Saturday morning, be sure to start out about a minute or two slower per mile than you normally would. This is something you'll want to remember on race day also. Contain the excitement of wanting to start out too fast. That's the easiest way to hit the wall late in your run. Instead, start slower and conserve your energy. You'll be glad you did. 
  • Think head-to-toe what you'll need for Saturday morning and lay it out Friday night (shorts/skirt, training shirt, shoes, socks, body glide, hat, running watch, etc.). The temps should be a little warmer this weekend. Remember, it's better to start out a little chilly. You'll warm up very quickly, though. 
  • Once we're finished with this run/walk, we'll start the best part of training - The Taper!!
About Tapering:
  • Beginning next week, you'll see a noticeable decrease in your miles. This is done to allow you to rest and recover after 5 long months of training. Over the past few months, especially on your long runs/walks, you've put a lot of stress on your body. As you've been training, you've torn muscle fibers in your legs and rebuilt them. The long runs/walks really take a toll on them. These next two weeks will allow those fibers to heal and rebuild for your big event. It will also allow you to rest your body and mind. Any minor injuries you've been nursing should heal during this time. 
  • One of the worst mistakes an athlete can make is to over-train. A long-distance runner would never run 26 miles the day before entering the Boston marathon, and a weightlifter in the Olympics would never lift world record weights the night before competition began. When undergoing an intensive training regimen for an upcoming competition, athletes will often initiate a practice called tapering several days or even weeks before the event. Tapering involves a gradual reduction in an athlete's workout demands in order to allow his or her body to recover from the stress.
  • Tapering is not just about reducing strain on an athlete's fatigued muscles, it's also about allowing all of the athlete's systems to restore themselves after intensive training sessions. A sprinter's fast twitch nerves and muscles, for example, may need a few days of rest in order to handle the demands of the upcoming competition. A long-distance runner's slow twitch nerves and muscles, however, may take several weeks to fully recover before a race. Different types of athletes require different tapering periods, since they utilized different muscle and nerve groups in competition.
  • The biggest fear for participants during this time is that they will lose endurance. This is not the case. This part of your training is equally important as the past 5 months. Trust me, you'll have plenty of endurance and strength for your event. 
  • At this point, your body is accustomed to taking in additional calories due to all your training. Now that you'll be cutting the miles back, you will no doubt still crave those calories. Be careful of what and how you eat during the next couple of weeks. It's natural to gain a couple of pounds but you don't want to put on too much weight. This could make you sluggish on event day. Instead, eat smaller meals more often. Take in good carbs (fruits, vegetables, pasta, smoothies, etc.). Drink more fluids. Not only will this keep you hydrated, it will help curb your appetite when you get hungry.
  • If you've been cross training  lifting weights, doing hills or speed workouts, I recommend you stop those activities from here on out. The only thing you'll need is your short weekly runs/walks to keep you in shape. It will also allow you to get more rest. One more thing is to do your best to stay healthy. Tapering can sometimes lower your immune system's ability to fight off colds.
Please don’t hesitate to contact any of the coaches if you have any questions about any part of your training. Event day is right around the corner and you need to be in the best shape possible. We’re all here to help you.

Also, don’t forget to check the blog to review all of the tips we've given you this season. This would be a great time to review all of them.

All of you have come so far over these past few months. You've raised an incredible amount of money that will help countless patients. Your dedication to the mission and perseverance has been truly inspiring. The coaches, mentors and staff are honored to be working with you. Take some time this week to look back on all of your accomplishments so far. You deserve it, Heroes!


Coach John 
Coach Kevin

Energy bites

For those of you who do not subscribe to the Run Disney notifications, Tara Gidus, the Run Disney Diet Diva, posted a yummy looking recipe for energy bites.  These peanut butter pistachio energy bites have a good mix of carbs and proteins.

Photo:  RunDisney blog

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Mentor Monday - 3/25

Hello TEAM!

I hope that all of you are staying warm!! I hope that all of you were safe during our "blizzard" and were able to get out there and build snowmen or make snow angels. I just hope all this cold weather goes away before our big events!!

I looked at the updated roster and a lot of you have met your goals or are SO close to meeting them. Our top FUNdraisers are:

  • Janet J.
  • Andrea L.
  • David & Loriann R.
  • Miranda M.
  • Laurie L.

Janet J. has raised $13,755!! And she is not stopping! Her goal for this season is $15,000!!! Way to go !! You are inspiration!!

It is important to remember that as the date events near you still continue your training and FUNdraising!! Our team has raised about $60,000 for LLS!! That is AMAZING!!!  Every dollar we collect puts us one step closer to finding a cure for blood cancers!!

 If you ever have any questions regarding FUNdraising or you would like to bounce some ideas off of someone, please reach out to one of the mentors! We are more than happy to help, and if you still haven't met you minimum goal , don't fret! We can help you get there ;)

Here are some important things that are coming up:

  • Please make a special effort to attend training on March 30, scheduled for Creve Coeur Lake. Rich B. distribute your race-day jerseys, new shoe tags for race day, and your Inspiration Dinner tickets
  • Inspiration Dinner – 6pm, Saturday, April 6, Pasta House on Delmar. Please email Rich a photo of your personal honored patient(s) so we can include them in the slides for the dinner. Deadline: Friday, March 29.
  • Anyone who hasn't filled out their medical forms for the race will need to contact Rich. I am sure that he has emailed you about it (I received my email), but in case you haven't check in with him.
  • If you haven't checked into, please do so. It's a nice way to display your honored hero/teammate on race day

Here is a fun upcoming event that Coach Doug is hosting: The Running Dead 5k run/walk. It is $25 to participate in the event that is being donated back to LLS. It's full of Zombie infested fun in Forest Park on 4/20. If interested please contact me or Doug.

**If you have taken any pics during FUNdraising or GT please send email them to me! I am putting together something special and would like to have those by April the 3rd! **

This season we have had a WONDERFUL group of coaches and they are always available for questions or concerns. A big thanks to our coaches for always keeping us on the ball and inspiring us to keep going. We are a GREAT team because of you! Thank you for all your hard work!!!

As always you are all doing a great job, and I am very proud of you all!! Keep up the hard work and GO TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Friday, March 22, 2013

Mission Moment and Important Pre-Race Info

Two weeks to race weekend. Make sure you follow your coaches email as they will help you with the last minute preparations for the big event … such as getting new running shoes in time to test.

Most of you have personal inspiration for why you are a part of Team In Training. I thought I’d share with you a story from another LLS chapter:

National Capital Area: Steve's Team Trains for Nike
Julie Wright of Washington, D.C., lost her husband, Steve, to a blood cancer in 2003. She first joined LLS's Team In Training (TNT) while Steve was still undergoing treatment, and she and a group of 16 women trained for and ran the Dublin Marathon in October 2003, to honor Steve's battle. They called themselves Steve's Team. Steve died several months later. Being left a single mom, Julie stepped away from TNT for several years, but in October 2010, on what would have been their 25th wedding anniversary, she and seven women, some from the original Steve's Team, ran the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco. Now LLS and Nike are partnering again to bring the Nike Women's Marathon to Washington, D.C., with a half marathon benefiting LLS on April 28. Steve's Team has now grown to 26 women, who are training together to run in this race. 
"Steve is our inspiration and we proudly call ourselves 'Steve's Team.' We also recognize that there are so many others who have fought this courageous fight and are doing this event for all of them as well. As a team, we are united in our mission of raising much needed funds for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society."

Today, Friday, March 22, is the pre-race deadline for hitting your fundraising commitment. Between the GO! and 5K teams were are on track to hit about $60,000 to fund cancer research and patient services.  Terrific job!. A special “thank you” to Janet J. who has raised more than $13,000 and not only is running with us on April 7, but will be running the Boston Marathon a week later. Almost everyone has hit the fundraising commitment and I’m in contact with those who still are short. But this is not the end of fundraising. Take this opportunity to ask your friends and family who still haven’t donated to do so now, before the race. Let them know there is still time.  You can do a follow-up appeal right after the race, letting everyone know you've done your part by completing the distance and giving them a chance to further support you.

Please make a special effort to attend training on March 30, scheduled for Creve Coeur Lake. I plan to distribute your race-day jerseys, new shoe tags for race day, and your Inspiration Dinner tickets.

Inspiration Dinner – 6pm, Saturday, April 6, Pasta House on Delmar. Please email me a photo of your personal honored patient(s) so we can include them in the slides for the dinner.  Deadline: Friday, March 29.



Thursday, March 21, 2013

Mission Moment: Bruce Cleland Featured in Competitor Magazine

Bruce Cleland after finishing the 1988 NYC Marathon.  Photo: Team in Training

In 1988, Bruce Cleland got a team together to train for the New York City Marathon and to raise money to support leukemia research.  Who would have know Cleland and his team would be starting a huge movement of charity racing and training to fight cancer!  

In the January  2013 issue for Competitor Magazine, Cleland is featured in a story that describes the steps he took to raise money for the Westchester/Hudson Valley Chapter of LLS after his baby daughter, Georgia, was diagnosed with Leukemia.  Bruce and his team of 38 runners raised $322,000 for LLS.  From this effort, Team in Training was born.  Twenty-five years later, TNT has prepared more than 570,000 athletes who have raised more than $1.32 billion for the Leukemian & Lymphoma Society!

Go Team!

Workout Wednesday - 3/20

Next training

  • Saturday, March 23 at 7:45 am
  • Forest Park - Northwest Corner of the Visitor Center Parking Lot

Go! Course logistics

  • Can you believe event day is just a few weeks away?
  • Here are a few course facts:
    • Course nutrition provided is GU energy gels
    • Course hydration provided is Gatorade and water
    • Pace limit is 14 minutes and 52 seconds per mile (6.5 hours for the full marathon total time)
    • Pace regulation:  full marathoners under pace at mile 9 will be diverted to complete the half marathon; after that mile marker if you are under that pace then you will be picked up by the SAG Wagon and dropped off at the finish
    • Take a look at the course map by following this link
    • Watch a video of the actual course mile by mile following this link

Shoes, shoes, shoes!

  • Your shoes are where the rubber meets the road...literally!
  • If you have not yet purchased new running shoes, please do so now
  • Go to any one of the Big River Running locations and have them professionally fit you for new shoes.  There locations are at this link
  • I recommend wearing your new shoes for FIVE days of midweek mileage and then at least ONE day of your long run before running the race, which is why getting them now is vital

You are nearly to both the START and the FINISH line!  You have trained hard, worked hard, and hopefully played hard.  Now is the time to hone your focus and begin tying up any loose ends.  Running is a sport both of physical and mental strength.  Here are some bullets on things to consider in the next couple weeks:

  • Start using GU and Gatorade because this is what will be provided on the course.  You don't want any last minute gastro surprises on the course if you've never adjusted to the on-course goodies!
  • Get those new shoes and break them in.  Wear them for five short runs and at least one or two long runs to avoid any blisters on event day.
  • Remind yourself of why you're even doing this in the first place. We all signed up for a reason and maybe that reason is the same now, or maybe it's changed.  But ultimately it's about the mission.  If our patients and honored teammates can go through their journeys, so too can you.
  • Get pumped!  Avoid the headphone during training, and definitely try to avoid them on event day so you can soak up the energy and fun, but blast that favorite song when you're getting ready each morning.  
  • Avoid unnecessary injury.  Well, none of it is needed, but don't do anything new you haven't done before and avoid anything potentially dangerous anyway. If you get hurt now you may not have enough time to recover before event day.
  • Talk to you coaches about any final questions you have about training or preparation.  There's no time like the present.
  • Start writing out a list of what you'll need and what you'll want on event day.  We'll cover this more later, but just make a list so as you think of things over the next few weeks you can add to it with plenty of time.

As always, you're already a hero for what you're doing.  We all continue to realize more each day and each season how impacting our fundraising really is.  Whether you've got more to go, or you're already there, don't stop now!

Cheers and run happy,


Friday, March 15, 2013

Mission Moment - 3/15

GO! and 5K Series Teams:

Only three weeks until race day, or first race day for the 5K’ers.

Mission update: The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society is a storehouse of important information about blood cancers. We can do this because of the strong fundraising support that you provide. This help ranges from online materials to discussion boards to live chats to telephone hotlines. You can access it all at this page on our Web site. So please refer friend or family members who want to know more about leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma and all blood cancers to this site.

There is an opportunity to visit the oncology floor at Mercy Children’s Hospital this coming week, Wednesday, March 20, from 1 pm to 3 pm. We will be lifting the spirits of kids with craft projects and spring treats. Contact our Patient Services Manager, Meg, ( if you would like to attend.

Fundraising: Thank you for forging ahead with your fundraising. Twenty of you have met or exceeded your fundraising commitment. Congratulations.  For those who haven’t, a reminder that next Friday is our fundraising commitment deadline. If we don’t have an amount that meets your commitment, we will charge the card number you provided at re-commitment  If you are holding onto funds or have donors who are planning do donate ask them to make the gift right away. If your card is charged, we can reimburse you if you get funds to us after the deadline.

There are three St. Patrick’s parades in the area this weekend and those are opportunities for bead and canister drives. Here is what Kristen wrote on Monday. Let her know if you can join her. 
St. Patrick's Day is this weekend! There are multiple parades in the area for this holiday. On the 16th there is the parade downtown starting at 12:00 p.m.,  one in Cottleville starting at 12:00 p.m. and then one the 17th in Dogtown. If you have never done a canister drive I highly recommend it! It's a lot of fun and a good way for us to get out there and spread the word about TNT. You will be surprised how many people are excited to learn why you FUNdraising and want to share their connection to our cause. So please consider joining me this weekend!

We’re at $49,000 for the GO! and 5K teams. How much can we add to that to support blood cancer research and patients.

Event weekend details: Some of you have not returned the attached form from last week for the Inspiration Dinner, April 6 at Pasta House on Delmar. Please return it whether you are planning to attend or not. You may bring guests at a cost of $18 each. Your meal is covered through your participation on the team. I will send an invoice to you for your guests.

Last call for hotel rooms. If you want to book a room at the Westin for before or after GO! St. Louis, the last day to do it is Friday, March 22. TNT obtained a rate of $109 per night. Call the Westin directly at 314-621-2000. The Westin will give LLS a rebate of $10 per form night.

Tomorrow is an optional training for those who signed up to participate in the St. Patrick’s Day Run. Let Coach Jeffrey know if you are attending. Regular group training is Sunday. Again, let Coach Jeffrey know today if you plan to attend that so he can give you details.


- Rich

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Coach's Note: Coach John

Hello Heroes!!

Ever wonder how your fundraising is used by LLS? Here's a story I ran across this week about, yet, another breakthrough in our chase for a cure. This is all because of what you do as participants of Team in Training. Your efforts are not going unnoticed. You are making a difference.

A remarkable discovery for those with Diffuse Large B-cell #Lymphoma "DLBCL": Scientists Discover How to Shutdown Cancer's Powerful Master Protein. Researchers hope this will be a major benefit to the treatment of Diffuse Large B-cell Lym...phoma "DLBCL" and perhaps other disorders that are influenced by Bcl6 and other master regulatory transcription factors. Read source at

This week the coaches would like to talk about hills. Now is a good time to start working them into your weekly routine. Doing these once a week will definitely make you a better runner/walker on event day. St. Louis marathon courses are never completely flat. There are always some hills you’ll have to contend with. In fact, there is a portion of the course between miles 6 and 8 called Holy Hill. It's actually a race within a race and additional medals will be handed out to the top finishers for that part of the course. 

Incorporating hill repeats into your routine will teach your body to use your oxygen intake more efficiently. You can substitute one of your regularly scheduled runs for a hill workout. There are a couple of ways to do this. If you live in an area that has some hills, you can just run that course. However, to get the maximum benefit out of your workouts, hill repeats are the best option. Here's how I do mine:

  • Find a park or course with a moderately steep hill that's about 1/4 to 1/2 mile long. Just as a reference, Skinker Ave. in Forest Park is a little over 1/2 mile long.
  • Warm up for about 10 minutes with a slow jog/walk
  • Run/walk up the hill at a normal pace
  • Jog/walk back down, then run/walk up again
  • Repeat this cycle 4-5 times

Do this once per week in place of a normally scheduled workout.  Here are a couple of tips to keep in mind: 

  • Drive hard with your arms. Act as if you're pulling yourself up the hill with a rope.
  • Bring your knees up a little higher than on a flat surface. This will help increase your stride rate and keep your posture straight.
  • Push off more from your toes or with more of a mid-sole strike. This will help propel you up the hill quicker. It also uses completely different muscles than when you go downhill or train on a flat surface.

This workout is not about mileage. It's about building your endurance so don't worry about how far you've gone. 

Be sure to stretch your calves well after you've cooled down a little. They might be more sore than they usually are, but that's to be expected. 

After a couple of weeks, you'll notice that you're not breathing so hard when you go out for a normal training run. It will make your flatter runs much easier. It's because your body is learning to adapt to the extra stress you've put on it. If you do these regularly throughout your training, you'll be able to look at any hill on the course and mentally refer to these workouts to get you over them with plenty of energy left in your tank! 

You’re all doing such a great job! The coaches, mentors and staff are so proud of all your accomplishments and all you’re doing to help others who are less fortunate. You are making a positive impact on patients with blood cancer! That’s why all of you are Heroes! 

Keep up the good work, and always, GO TEAM! Remember the Reason! 


Workout Wednesday - 3/13

Next Training:

  • TRAINING UPDATE:  The next Group Training on Saturday 3/16 is MOVED to Sunday 3/17 to accommodate those of you wishing to get race experience at the St Pat's Run downtown
  • PLEASE RSVP by reply email for both the St. Pat's Run this Saturday 3/16 and GT on Sunday 3/17 so we can plan accordingly


Way to go!  Huge shout-out to the following teammates for surpassing their fundraising goal - and their percent to goal - as of last update on 3/6:

  • Janet J (1,581%)
  • Andrea L (459%)
  • Laurie L (337%)
  • Miranda M (323%)
  • Erin H (185%)
  • Loriann R (173%)
  • Dave R (172%)
  • Susan H (154%)
  • Julie C (133%)
  • Cassie A (124%)
  • Michelle S (117%)
  • Lynne T (115%)
  • Brian K (110%)
  • Kelly B (103%)
  • Kathy J (103%)
  • Shay G (100%)

Upcoming coach meeting:

  • We will soon be holding a Coaching Best Practices meeting
  • Do you have any suggestions, comments, concerns that I may share (anonymously or not, up to you) that will help us to make this experience better for you and future teams?
  • Please reply or call and I'll be sure to share your valuable input.

Run happy and GO TEAM!

- Jeffrey

Mentor Monday from 3/11

Happy Monday Team!!!

Our event dates are getting closer, and I am getting super excited! I still haven't had the chance to meet all of my teammate's and I am looking forward to that opportunity! I know that all the training and FUNdraising hasn't always been easy but you have stuck with it and hopefully will continue to do so. Just this week I was reminded again why what we do is so important. I know someone through my  job who was just recently diagnosed with AML. He is the sweetest man , and the day after he got the news he came into my job to see me. He wanted to tell me his diagnosis and to tell me that he wants to be kept up to date on my training and FUNdraising. He is so happy that there are people like me (and you) that are trying to make a difference.

I have been going through everyone's FUNdraising accounts and I noticed that a lot of you have either met your goal or raised more than your goals! That is FANTASTIC!! I am very proud of all of you and hope that you keep raising money up until event date, heck you can even raise more after too! Don't forget our TEAM goal is $139,000!!

Are you running out of ways to FUNdraise? Here are some helpful ways to raise money for LLS.

  • St. Patrick's Day is this weekend! There are multiple parades in the area for this holiday. On the 16th there is the parade downtown starting at 12:00 p.m.,  one in Cottleville starting at 12:00 p.m. and then one the 17th in Dogtown. If you have never done a canister drive I highly recommend it! It's a lot of fun and a good way for us to get out there and spread the word about TNT. You will be surprised how many people are excited to learn why you FUNdraising and want to share their connection to our cause. So please consider joining me this weekend! Please RSVP by this Thursday if interested. **For our teammate's out of the St .Louis area, check with your surrounding areas for St. Patrick's Day events! And if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me**
  • If you can't make it to the parade, St. Patrick's Day can still be a good way to FUNdraise. If you have friends with kids, you can volunteer to babysit for them while they go out and enjoy the festivities for a donation. Or if you have friends that plan on drinking at the parade or at the after parties, volunteer to be the designated driver for a donation.
  • Try hosting a wine tasting party at your house. You can supply the wine (or get it donated) and invite your friends over for a fun night of wine and good company. You can let them know that their "admission" for this great event would be a donation to your FUNdraising account.
  • Do you have a lot of friends/families with dogs? You can organize a dog wash! You can call local pet stores in the area and see if they will sponsor your event. Sponsoring the event could mean that they will donate the treats and shampoo for the event , or letting you hang flyers at their business promoting the event. You can ask for donations for each dog that is washed, and let 's face it NOBODY likes washing their dogs!! This could be a good way to raise money 
  • Ask local business what they would be willing to donate. You can get some great items donated that you can raffle off or they will even donate directly to FUNdraising. It never hurts to ask :)
  • If you previously sent out letters to your friends and family, send out another one. But in this letter talk about all the training thus far, any cancer survivors you have met, new friends, your coaches and your goals as the event date approaches. This will be a great reminder to everyone how dedicated you are , and will encourage them to donate more.

Here are some  things to know for  the weeks to come:

Andrea will be out of town for about a month! She is on a cruise enjoying the nice sunny weather and warmer temps, which I hate her for :), and will unavailable. If any of her mentees need anything please reach out to me or Heather until she returns. We are always happy to help!

In a previous email I informed you of Trevor, a young boy in need of a bone marrow donor. There is a drive in his honor on March 25th from 4-8 pm at Francis Howell High School . They are hoping to find a match for him, but if you are not a match for Trevor,  there is still a chance that you can save someone else's life. If you are interested in attending, or have questions about the donor process please contact me or you can visit the link below.

I have also have a link for  the pics from BC Squared....if you were unable to attend I hope that you take the time to look through them! There are tons of great photos of the coaches and teammates!



Saturday Recap

I'm a few days late, but better late than never!  I wanted to say thanks to everyone who braved the icy rains on Saturday morning.  You guys inspire me!

For anyone who participated in BC2, be sure to friend Kristen and John on Facebook   They both have some great photos from that night.

See you guys Saturday or Sunday!

- Jen

Friday, March 8, 2013

Mission Moment - 3/8

Hello, marathoners, half marathoners and 5Kers:

We've received another sharp reminder of why we need to keep raising funds and training. Our 2013 Boy of the Year, Tyler, passed away yesterday after six years of fighting leukemia.  He had just marked his 13th birthday. A week earlier, our Columbia teammate, Shay, reported that her step-mother, Sangrid, lost her mom to leukemia. Shay and Sangrid will be running and walking with us on April 7.  We mourn their losses and re-double our efforts to help find cures for cancers.

If you’re looking for ways to fight cancer besides raising funds and training, LLS can use your help advocating for our causes. Do you know state or federal legislators or people who work for them? Can you help make connections? The attached Take Action document describes a variety of ways to help. When you don the purple jersey to race, you are showing your support for LLS. We have plenty of other ways, too.

Fundraising Update: At least 17 of you have met or exceeded your fundraising commitment for this spring’s races and between the two teams we’ve passed $45,000. The top fundraisers to date are:

Janet J.
Andrea L.
Laurie L.
Miranda M.
Loriann & David R.

Even if you have reached your commitment, our fight against cancer is too critical for us to stop. With nearly a month to go before the race, now is a good time to contact those friends, relatives, and others you haven’t heard from yet to give them another opportunity to support your GREAT effort to bring about cures.

Pasta Loading: TNT’s traditional Inspiration Dinner and pasta loading will be held the evening before the marathon and half marathon, April 6. It will be at the Pasta House at 8213 Delmar Blvd. in University City. Starting time is 6 pm so we’ll be done early so you can get to sleep (or toss & turn) before the race. Your meal is included as a benefit of your fundraising. Family and friends are welcome at a cost of $18 each.  Please return the attached form in the coming week so we can make the proper number of reservations.

I might check to see whether Pasta House can serve the nutrition bars that Coach Jen provided the recipe for in Wednesday’s email :)

Jersey logo: If you have received sponsorship support of $500 or more from a business and want to include its logo on our team jersey, please email the logo to me by Tuesday, March 12. A .jpg or .eps file works best.

Your coaches seem to have arranged for spring-like weather tomorrow morning for group training.  7:45 am at Creve Coeur Park. See you there.



St. Patrick's Day Race!

St Patrick's Day Run start -- it's a popular race!

Race Experience Opportunity and Heads Up on GT for Saturday 3/16 (St. Pat's Run downtown)
  • Saturday 3/16 Group Training is being moved to Sunday 3/17
  • Coach John will lead the STL St. Pat's Run on 3/16 for any participants interested in experiencing a real, organized and timed race
  • He'll meet you at a dedicated spot downtown (to be announced) and then you'll run your own pace; not a fast paced run, this is just still a training run
  • If you're interested in running the race you will need to RSVP with Jeffrey and register asap on this link
  • Sunday 3/17 GT is still open to everyone and is moved to Sunday so even though participating in the race can come to GT; please RSVP for Sunday GT with Jeffrey

TNT half marathon runner Steven after last year's St. Patrick's Day run.

Coach's Note: Coach Jen

Hey Team!  As for this week’s coach’s message, I've had several of you ask me questions about nutrition.  Specifically, how many calories you need to consume during training.  The number of calories you need depends on how intense and long your workouts are.  The average person burns 100 calories for every mile.  So, if you have a 6 mile training run or walk, you're burning roughly 600 more calories than you would have if you had been sedentary.  When you’re working out, you want to eat enough to avoid feeling weak or faint.  But you don’t want to use your workout as an excuse to overeat. 

It’s very important to eat for recovery after a long training walk or run.  Ideally, you should eat a post-workout snack within 30 minutes of completing your run/walk.  You need to replenish your glycogen stores, and the highest uptake of glucose is within 30 minutes after your workout. Many sports dietitians recommend that this snack contain a carb and protein ratio of about 4:1.  Some great post-workout snacks include fruit with yogurt, toast with peanut butter, chocolate milk, and some energy bars.  (There’s a reason we keep things like Clif bars with the sign in/sign out logs.) 

I know it seems like we give you guys a lot of information each week, and it can be a lot to digest (no pun intended).  So, instead of going on and on about how awesome beets and bananas are for runners*, I wanted to share a recipe for a natural, healthy energy bar.  As a post-workout snack, I love fruit and nut bars like Larabars.  But they are so expensive, so I like to make my own.  Here’s my version of chocolate coconut energy bars:

Chocolate coconut energy bars


2/3 c raw almonds
1/3 c raw walnuts
1 c pitted dates
1/4 tsp salt
1/8 c chocolate chips
1/8 c coconut


Step 1: Grind almonds and walnuts in a high speed blender (or food processor) until the mixture is coarsely ground--the texture of wet sand. (I use our Vitamix for this.)

Step 2: Remove nut mixture from the blender

Step 3: Add dates and salt to blender, and blend until the dates are finely chopped.

Step 4: Loosen the dates and add nut mixture back to blender.

Step 5: Add chocolate chips to blender.

Step 6: Pulse mixture until it starts to come together.

Step 7: Pour mixture into a well-greased bread pan. You can also line the bread pan with plastic wrap to make shaping the mixture and cleaning the pan easier.

Step 8: Press mixture evenly in the pan.

Step 9: Cover with plastic wrap.

Step 10: Refrigerate for at least an hour, then cut into eight bars.


* Just FYI, beets have vegetable-based nitrates, which allow for more blood flow and increased endurance.  Bananas are packed with potassium, an electrolyte that is lost during workouts.  And if you want any other recipes or a list of foods that runners should eat, please let me know! 

TEAM, I want you to know how inspiring I find you guys!  You all are doing great with training, and so many of you helped to make BC2 a success.  Second, how about those mentors?!  They organized an amazing event.  We’re lucky to have Andrea, Heather, and Kristen!

See y’all on Saturday at Creve Coeur!  Go Team!


Workout Wednesday - 3/6

I can't even emphasize just how much the coaches are proud of your hard work. We see you, we hear from you, we learn from you. You are working hard and it's paying off. Check out this email for more good training info. Go TEAM!

First thing first: I know you get a lot of information from us, ranging from Mentor to Coach's emails, but I kindly suggest, and highly recommend, you always read them entirely. Even if you just skim through quickly, see each of the key bullets because there are very important announcements from time to time and I'd hate for you to miss them by being in a routine of just archiving or deleting. Never hesitate to call or email me with questions.

Next Training

  • March 9 at 7:45 am
  • Creve Coeur Lake - Tremayne Shelter
  • From 270 take Dorsett West until it dead ends at Marine Dr., turn right and then make a left into the Tremayne Shelter at 1.5 miles

Race Experience Opportunity and Heads Up on GT for Saturday 3/16 (St. Pat's Run downtown)
Saturday 3/16 Group Training is being moved to Sunday 3/17

  • Coach John will lead the STL St. Pat's Run on 3/16 for any participants interested in experiencing a real, organized and timed race
  • He'll meet you at a dedicated spot downtown (to be announced) and then you'll run your own pace; not a fast paced run, this is just still a training run
  • If you're interested in running the race you will need to RSVP with me and register asap on this link
  • Sunday 3/17 GT is still open to everyone and is moved to Sunday so even though participating in the race can come to GT; please RSVP for Sunday GT with me

How far have you run!?!

  • The FULL marathon teammates have run the equivalent from St Louis to Nashville Tennessee! Or, to Des Moines Iowa if you prefer heading north. This is over 300 miles this season!
  • The HALF marathon teammates have gone about as far as Indianapolis Indiana or Louisville Kentucky. This is nearly 250 miles!

One of my favorite quotes: "My sport is other sport's punishment". Feel good about your hard work!

Shoe replacement?

  • When you start to approach 300 miles, which we all have, think about if you're feeling additional aches or pains in your knees and ankles and hips.
  • It might be time for new shoes
  • Check out Big River Running for shoes as these guys (and gals) are experienced and know how to fit you better than a retail sports store associate
  • Shoes can last from 300 miles to a 1,000, or more! That's quite a range and it depends on how you run, the run surface, type of shoe and even the weather. Having an expert look at your shoes will help you determine if you due for new ones

Four weeks until event day!

  • After this week's long run, we will have four weeks until the big day
  • Be very careful with any new activities that risk injury, like ice skating, extreme sports or underwater basket weaving

Post your questions and inspiration

  • On
  • Your questions may benefit everyone on the team

Run happy and Go Team!

- Jeffrey

Mentor Monday - 3/4

I hope that by now everyone has warmed up from their weekend training run. Can you believe that we are in the last half of the training season? Race day here WE come. Now that re commitment paperwork is done its time to focus on meeting and exceeding your fundraising goals. We have a few more group opportunities, and would love to have the entire team show up if possible.

St. Paddy’s Parades:
There are 2 parades, March 16th and March 17th, both in Dogtown at noon. Both are great opportunities to meet and surpass your goal, as well as a just a great time! The parade, and fundraising, is family friendly so bring your family, friends, people you want to be your friends, and your friends’ friend who knows someone who may want to hang out with us! If you or any of the above mentioned people will be able to come please RSVP by march 13th, just so that we have an idea. RSVP by emailing Kristen.

Again, don’t forget that the mentors are available for any questions or issues that you may face. Do not hesitate to reach out to the mentors, coaches, or teammates. We are a team fighting for the same thing.

Remember the reason!

- Heather

Saturday Recap

All bundled up before training. It was cold!  

What an amazing walk/run on Saturday!  We had several participants brave the chill to get in 16 miles.  Wow! To some, 16 miles in the cold may sound a bit crazy, but not as crazy as jumping into Creve Coeur Lake when the temperature is 25 degrees.  During our run, we witnessed this polar bear plunge:

Future fundraiser idea?

Mission Moment 3/1

Hello GO! and 5K runners and walkers.

Yesterday, I took a short drive from the LLS office to hand deliver your entry applications for the GO! St. Louis Marathon, Half Marathon, and 5K races. Yes, we are “this close” to race time!
There are still a few entries that I don’t have. Please get them to me right away.

I’ll add my thanks and kudos to Andrea, Heather, and Kristen for their OUTSTANDING efforts to organize BC2 for the spring and summer teams. If you attended, sold tickets, worked the event, or contributed items, your fundraising account will soon be benefiting from your efforts. Your mentors will reveal the numbers soon.

One of the highlights was hearing the stories and words of encouragements from those who shared the story of their battles with blood cancers. We cannot hear too much to remind us of why we train and raise funds. I thought I’d bring another story to your attention. Katelyn is the Gateway Chapter’s 2013 Girl of the Year, selected for this spring’s Man and Woman of the Year campaign. Katelyn is 8 and has been battling B Cell Lymphoma. This is her story. She’s starring in a series of videos. Here’s one.

At least 14 of you have met or exceeded your fundraising commitment for GO! or Taste of TNT, and that number may actually be higher when the BC2 funds are distributed. But we do not have a finish line for fundraising at LLS. We have ambitious goals for both races and small teams to reach them -- $139,000 for GO and $37,000 for the 5K. Who haven’t you asked for support yet? Expand your reach and let’s go for these goals!

Remember group training tomorrow morning, 7:45 in Creve Coeur Park. Dress for cold weather and expect wind! We’ve invited interested prospects to “Try a Training” tomorrow, so our group may be expanded as we showcase TNT.


- Rich

Coach's Note from Kevin

Benefits of Cross-Training for Runners

Cross-training is any sport or exercise that supplements your main sport -- in this case, running.  Whether you're a beginner or an experienced marathoner, you can benefit from cross-training.             

Here  are several reasons why runners should cross-train:

•You'll maintain or even improve your cardiovascular fitness.  Many cross-training activities are great cardiovascular workouts, so they build on those similar benefits of running.

•You'll avoid getting bored with running.  Running day after day will eventually burn out even the most hard-core runner. Cross-training gives  runners a much-needed mental break from their sport, which is especially important for those training for long-distance events such as marathons.

•It reduces your chance of injury.  By balancing your weaker muscles with your stronger ones, you'll help reduce your chance of injury. Participating in low-impact cross training activities, such as swimming or water running, will also lessen the stress on your joints, which are often a sore spot for runners.

•Change your route and routines.

•You're bound to get bored or burned-out if you run the same roads week after week. Switch up your route or even the time of day that you run. Go for a run before work in the morning, if you usually run in the evening.

•Run for fun. You don't have to run your heart out at every practice. Sometimes it's fun to run at an easier pace than your race pace and just enjoy the run. It may give you the freedom to run with someone you don't usually run with, like a spouse and gives you the opportunity to get to know other participants on the team.

Workout Wednesday for 2/27

There are two days left in February and time certainly is flying by! We are now officially in week 13 with just about four weeks to go until event day.

Hats off!

  • To our fundraising mentors Heather, Kristen and Andrea for organizing and throwing not only a successful fundraiser, but an amazingly fun event last Saturday. BC Squared proved to be a model example of a successful event that we hope to mimic for all future seasons
  • Also thanks to everyone that participated in selling tickets and helping run the event. You know first hand just how successful this was!
Pictures and Updates via Facebook
  • Please also contribute to the photo galleries by uploading any pics you have
Next Training
  • Saturday, March 2nd at 745 am
  • Tremayne Shelter at Creve Coeur Lake
  • The meeting area is 1.4 miles on Marine Drive from Dorsett Rd, see the map here
  • To our newest teammate: Half Marathoner Bryant!
  • Bryant is recently out of military service and excited to join the team and will be running the Half Marathon. He also recently ran the Tokyo Full Marathon!
Happy running!