Two Reminders
- Get a fuel belt or running water bottle - we are in long miles now and you need constant hydration. They are worth the $10 - $30, trust me
- Like RunCoachJeffrey on Facebook to see pics! your stories to serve as motivators
If you did not see on RunCoachJeffrey, I'm proud to announce the future baby boy in this Promnitz household! He is expected on 7/15/13!
This Week's Coach's Message: Mental Preparedness
As a coach, one of the most
important things to do is look for trends by staying in contact with everyone.
When more than one participant begins asking related questions it reveals
important milestones of our training. Thankfully,
this team does a great job of emailing me and responding to my contact.
Training for an endurance event is a
journey. A journey is defined both as moving from one location to
another and also as a move that accumulates memorable experience. It's easy to
see why training is a journey. It takes us months to train and we're forced to
endure a number of challenges: some positive and some setbacks, but both
contribute to our experience.
The most common theme I've been
fielding from you can be summed up as: "am I still training
appropriately?". Some questions have been about treadmill versus road, taking an
extra rest day, guilt for missing a day
or reaching a plateau.
We are training appropriately
because generally speaking we've encountered very limited injuries that would
prevent us from training. So the answer to the question is: Yes, you are
training appropriately by following the schedule. This then poses the follow up
question of: why do you ask?.
If you are injury free, but not
feeling as though you're doing well then this may be an indicator of a very
important symptom of burnout or boredom. The number one cause of this symptom is the lack of
variability in your training schedule. You have to keep your
training fun!
It's very simple to keep your
training fun, think about these bullet points, but also think of some of
your own:
· Change your midweek routes.
Map out new paths to keep the scenery fresh and your body guessing just a
little on hills and terrain
· Run with a friend, or don't. If you run alone, try running with a friend so you can chat
or if you normally run with a friend then go by yourself. It's amazing how a
solo run can be a meditative experience that will clear your mind of many
· Instead of running on Wednesday, ride a bike or crosstrain. Or, vice versa. Even a 30 minute stretching or yoga
session will add significant variability to your experience
· Unplug the headphones!
Use your mind to think.
· As the coaches on Saturday how to run a different path at
the park instead of what you usually do
· If you run in the morning, try running in the evening.
Or, vice versa.
· Incorporate a speed goal
by talking to your coaches. If you're healthy and have been sticking to the
schedule, then adding a new goal is quite interesting.
Team, I'm proud of you. More
importantly, you're making a difference for our patients and families. You
Run happy,
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